One of the most popular beliefs in real estate is that ‘Spring is the best time to Sell.’ Gardens looks great, everything is in bloom, the weather is generally nice, and everyone is happy. However, if you look closely at the stats this isn’t necessarily the case.

Although we see a buzz of activity in the market with one of the largest listing periods and the most homes on the market you historically don’t actually see an increase sales prices or numbers sold. This is mainly due to supply vs demand. As there are more properties on the market for buyers to choose from if you have your home on the market you suddenly find yourself competing for the buyer’s attention.
The short answer is when you are ready, however there is more to it than that. You do want to time your sale to maximise the end sale result. You can only sell it once and you want to ensure you get every dollar possible.
The true right time to sell your home really depends on a couple of key things. Your position and facing, the property features (pool, open fireplace, covered entertaining area, etc), the type of home, how much land you are on, as well as the garden. A good rule of thumb is to think about your favourite time of the year in the home. Do you have a house that is perfect for summer entertaining with a pool, and outdoor entertaining, or do you have a warm home that is perfect for spending time in front of the fire in winter?

Their can be a huge advantage to marketing your home for sale in the quiet periods where there are less properties for buyers to choose from the result is getting more buyers into your home. January and February are prime times if you can organise the marketing early (or even the year before) and be ready to hit the market while the rest of the homes are still getting ready. Winter can also be a good time at the end of the financial year where the market is a bit quieter to take advantage of lower stock levels.
Some homes are easy to pick as the “perfect Summer Sale” with large pools, decks and elevated homes that get cool breezes. Likewise homes that get very cold and damp in winter are generally best marketed in the warmer months.

Summer Selling Tips:
•If a property has a lot of unshaded, west-facing windows and gets particularly hot in the afternoon, it may be worth holding inspections only in the mornings
•Cool down the property a few hours before an inspection to ensure buyers are comfortable when viewing the home.
•Make sure your garden is green and lush, especially the grass. Consider putting in some extra colour.
•Showcase your outdoor entertaining area with some modern furniture and a splash of colour
•Make you pool stand out. Consider putting a dash of colouring in the water to make it look especially inviting
•Get some fresh flowers for inside and make sure the home smells welcoming
•Put out some refreshing drinks for potential buyers
This can be a busy time of the year for real estate as many people have recovered from the holiday season and the start of the school year and are able to think about moving house. Autumn weather can vary dramatically and this is something to keep in mind when deciding to sell. The best homes to sell at this time offer a garden with autumn colours. As the weather is starting to turn cooler buyers generally are drawn towards the warmer colours, so try using some cosy touches such as textured cushions or throws.

Autumn Selling Tips:
•Keep the home comfortable for inspections. This could mean the air con one day and the heater the next.
•Ensure the garden is neat with any leaves raked
•Make your windows sparkle. Clean off the summer dust to give the best impression
•Make sure all lights are on and have high wattage globes to make the place light and bright
•Bring a pop of colour to each room. Try warm tones and group decorations in odd numbers of 3s or 5s.
Some homes actually sell better in winter. Those west facing windows that were an issue in summer are now one of your biggest assets. Many homes that are on the market in winter are a bit cold and dark, try to maximise the light and warmth in your home.
The focus should be on feeling warm and comfy. So light the fire or switch on the heat, turn on all the lamps and add some warm reds and oranges to your soft furnishings.

Winter Selling Tips:
•Draw back the curtains and blinds on all windows and let as much light and warmth in as possible.
•To give some colour add some warm reds and oranges to your soft furnishings
•Think about the best time of the day for inspections. This will depend on your homes facing.
•Make sure the house is warm and inviting. Turn on the heater well before any inspections and if you have an open fire get a nice fire going.
•Ensure that the house smells fresh, try using some scented candles but make sure its not overpowering. Coffee, vanilla and cinnamon are always good warm winter smells.
Remember that this is the time of the year with the most competition of other homes on the market so you want everything to be perfect. The preparation before the sale is very important as you want the home to present at its best possible. First impressions are key, ensure that the home looks its best from the street and the front garden and exterior of the home presents well.
Spring is when everyone’s gardens are at their best, with flowers in bloom, the sun shinning, and everyone is feeling positive. So focus on presenting your outdoor entertaining areas and garden.

Spring Selling Tips:
•Fertilise the lawn & garden to freshen them up after winter
•Pressure wash and paths and driveways
•Consider repainting your front fence and door
•Make sure the property is well aired out after Winter
•Give the property a deep spring clean
•Remove any mould spots (diluted clove oil or an 80 per cent white-vinegar solution both kill mould)
•Declutter and maximise the space. Consider staging the home.
•Make sure your garden is full of colour, put in some spring flowers to brighten it up
•Box up your winter wardrobe to make the wardrobes look spacious
•Use floral designs or solid bright colours to lighten the home
The most important thing to remember is that the best time to sell is when you are ready. With our experience we can ensure we guide you through the process and achieve the best result. The next step is to find out what your home is worth. Call us today to find out.
Although we see a buzz of activity in the market with one of the largest listing periods and the most homes on the market you historically don’t actually see an increase sales prices or numbers sold. This is mainly due to supply vs demand. As there are more properties on the market for buyers to choose from if you have your home on the market you suddenly find yourself competing for the buyer’s attention.
So when is the best time to sell?
The short answer is when you are ready, however there is more to it than that. You do want to time your sale to maximise the end sale result. You can only sell it once and you want to ensure you get every dollar possible.
The true right time to sell your home really depends on a couple of key things. Your position and facing, the property features (pool, open fireplace, covered entertaining area, etc), the type of home, how much land you are on, as well as the garden. A good rule of thumb is to think about your favourite time of the year in the home. Do you have a house that is perfect for summer entertaining with a pool, and outdoor entertaining, or do you have a warm home that is perfect for spending time in front of the fire in winter?

Their can be a huge advantage to marketing your home for sale in the quiet periods where there are less properties for buyers to choose from the result is getting more buyers into your home. January and February are prime times if you can organise the marketing early (or even the year before) and be ready to hit the market while the rest of the homes are still getting ready. Winter can also be a good time at the end of the financial year where the market is a bit quieter to take advantage of lower stock levels.
Some homes are easy to pick as the “perfect Summer Sale” with large pools, decks and elevated homes that get cool breezes. Likewise homes that get very cold and damp in winter are generally best marketed in the warmer months.

Summer Selling Tips:
•If a property has a lot of unshaded, west-facing windows and gets particularly hot in the afternoon, it may be worth holding inspections only in the mornings
•Cool down the property a few hours before an inspection to ensure buyers are comfortable when viewing the home.
•Make sure your garden is green and lush, especially the grass. Consider putting in some extra colour.
•Showcase your outdoor entertaining area with some modern furniture and a splash of colour
•Make you pool stand out. Consider putting a dash of colouring in the water to make it look especially inviting
•Get some fresh flowers for inside and make sure the home smells welcoming
•Put out some refreshing drinks for potential buyers
This can be a busy time of the year for real estate as many people have recovered from the holiday season and the start of the school year and are able to think about moving house. Autumn weather can vary dramatically and this is something to keep in mind when deciding to sell. The best homes to sell at this time offer a garden with autumn colours. As the weather is starting to turn cooler buyers generally are drawn towards the warmer colours, so try using some cosy touches such as textured cushions or throws.

Autumn Selling Tips:
•Keep the home comfortable for inspections. This could mean the air con one day and the heater the next.
•Ensure the garden is neat with any leaves raked
•Make your windows sparkle. Clean off the summer dust to give the best impression
•Make sure all lights are on and have high wattage globes to make the place light and bright
•Bring a pop of colour to each room. Try warm tones and group decorations in odd numbers of 3s or 5s.
Some homes actually sell better in winter. Those west facing windows that were an issue in summer are now one of your biggest assets. Many homes that are on the market in winter are a bit cold and dark, try to maximise the light and warmth in your home.
The focus should be on feeling warm and comfy. So light the fire or switch on the heat, turn on all the lamps and add some warm reds and oranges to your soft furnishings.

Winter Selling Tips:
•Draw back the curtains and blinds on all windows and let as much light and warmth in as possible.
•To give some colour add some warm reds and oranges to your soft furnishings
•Think about the best time of the day for inspections. This will depend on your homes facing.
•Make sure the house is warm and inviting. Turn on the heater well before any inspections and if you have an open fire get a nice fire going.
•Ensure that the house smells fresh, try using some scented candles but make sure its not overpowering. Coffee, vanilla and cinnamon are always good warm winter smells.
Remember that this is the time of the year with the most competition of other homes on the market so you want everything to be perfect. The preparation before the sale is very important as you want the home to present at its best possible. First impressions are key, ensure that the home looks its best from the street and the front garden and exterior of the home presents well.
Spring is when everyone’s gardens are at their best, with flowers in bloom, the sun shinning, and everyone is feeling positive. So focus on presenting your outdoor entertaining areas and garden.

Spring Selling Tips:
•Fertilise the lawn & garden to freshen them up after winter
•Pressure wash and paths and driveways
•Consider repainting your front fence and door
•Make sure the property is well aired out after Winter
•Give the property a deep spring clean
•Remove any mould spots (diluted clove oil or an 80 per cent white-vinegar solution both kill mould)
•Declutter and maximise the space. Consider staging the home.
•Make sure your garden is full of colour, put in some spring flowers to brighten it up
•Box up your winter wardrobe to make the wardrobes look spacious
•Use floral designs or solid bright colours to lighten the home
The most important thing to remember is that the best time to sell is when you are ready. With our experience we can ensure we guide you through the process and achieve the best result. The next step is to find out what your home is worth. Call us today to find out.